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Tom and Jerry Facts

The Tom and Jerry series crested by William Hanna and Joseph Barbara is one of the most loved cartoon  series in the earth. Here is a collection of facts you probably do not know about them.

  • When  basic idea of a cat and mouse rivalry  was first suggested by Joseph Barbara Hanna and other employees complained that the idea wasn't very original.

  • At first the name of the cat and mouse in the series was  Jasper and Jinx. Hanna and Barbara  conducted a contest to give the pair a new name. The contest was won by animator John Harr who suggested Tom and Jerry.

  • The first  Tom and Jerry ,"Puss Gets The Boot" was released without much fanfare.But it and its  subsequent series  went on to become  a favorite .

  • The first  overseas  release of Tom And Jerry movie was on  June 1993.

  • Tom and Jerry started to appear in comic books on 1942 in "Our Gang Comics"

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Jillur Rahman

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